The Volunteer Summer Summit is the largest AFS training event, targeting a wide group of AFS volunteers of all backgrounds and ages from Europe and beyond. The VSS is organised by AFS volunteers for AFS volunteers to learn together, share best practices in AFS volunteer work and to exchange tools, tips and tricks in an engaging and fun environment. It also helps create a strong community between international and local volunteers from different countries.
The 4-days programme includes plenary sessions, workshop sessions, reflection groups, a community project, social activities and other elements.

This year’s VSS will take place in Cieszyn, Poland and will focus on the theme of Volunteer based Youth Work for Active Citizenship.

Read the call for participants and  Apply now!


This event is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. 

Volunteer Based Youth Work for Active Citizenship

Active citizenship and intercultural learning are fundamental for democracy to thrive in culturally diverse societies, therefore as AFSers, we have an important role to play in educating ourselves and others on how to be a democratic citizen. 

Learn more!




Practical Information

Want to know about?

  • the participation fee
  • the venue and type of accommodation
  • the registration process
  • important deadlines 
  • the cancellation policy
Learn More Here

Requirements for applying

  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • You must be able to work independently in English
  • You must take part in all programme activities
  • Your participation must be confirmed by your national AFS office
  • Apply by June 3rd, 2024
Logo will be here

A Splash of Colors!

We’ve chosen shades that shout ‘us’ – a diverse and dynamic family. The energetic orange? That’s our constant buzz of excitement. The friendly sky blue? Our wide-open spaces for ideas and dreams. Cheerful yellow? That’s the joy we share when we’re together. The deep blue? Think of it as the deep dive into our pool of knowledge. And the heartfelt red? Our love for making a difference.

Logo Love: Our logo’s got a tale to tell. Meet our sunflower, the star of the show and the symbol of VSS. It’s not just any flower; it’s a beacon of positivity, growth, and reaching for the skies – just like us. Those blue skies and fluffy clouds? They’re all about aiming high and holding on to big dreams. And see that bridge? That’s us reaching out, linking hands and hearts across the world. And yep, our meetup spot is right there in the design – hello, Cieszyn!

When we meet up in Cieszyn, let these colors and our cool sunflower logo remind us of the awesome community we’re all part of. It’s all about sharing, learning, and growing together.

We can’t wait for you to bring your unique color to the VSS scene. It’s going to be unforgettable, and you’re what makes it special!