Cooperation between schools and pupil mobility organisations

How can schools and pupil mobility organisations cooperate to support individual pupil mobility and to make it more inclusive by including young people with fewer opportunities?
Expanding Learning Mobility

In the frame of the “Expanding Learning Mobility” project, together with our partner organisations we published a Guidebook and a Cooperation Model leaflet aimed at helping schools to cooperate with pupil mobility organisations to effectively promote, support, recognise and leverage this experience, particularly among less advantaged pupils.

Download the guidebook

Fostering Global Competence among future teachers

Global Competence for Teacher Education

The eBook was developed in the frame of the “Global Competence for Teacher Education” project, and contains resources to help develop future cohorts of teachers who are both globally competent themselves and have the skills to develop global competence in their students.

Looking for more resources for teachers and schools?

Find more intercultural education resources for teachers and schools at the website

intercultural-learning website

Empowering teachers for automatic recognition

Have a look at the resources produced in the frame of the "Empowering Teachers for Automatic Recognition", aimed at preparing and supporting schools and education professionals in fostering automatic recognition of pupils’ long-term individual learning mobility periods abroad.

EFIL at a glance 2023

Check out ‘EFIL at a glance’ to discover all the activities of EFIL for 2023 in a nutshell.

Download the report

EFIL at a glance 2022

Check our publication ‘EFIL at a glance’ to discover all the activities and projects that took place in 2022.

Download the report

EFIL Annual Report 2021

Check our Annual Report to read about all the activities and projects that took place in 2021.

Download the report