“From good to better” was the title of the expert seminar organised by the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) from 15 to 18 of May 2018 in Lille, France. Around 70 participants – practitioners, researchers and decision makers from all over Europe – met to exchange practices and tools related to managing quality in mobility, to receive updates on newest policy proposals and research results in the field and to build a stronger network across the sectors (policy/practice/research). Finally, an important objective of the seminar was to give input and feedback to two new tools to be launched in 2019: a Handbook and an App, both focused on supporting Quality in youth Learning Mobility Projects.

EFIL’s involvement in the event was a great chance to share and showcase the experience of AFS in terms of quality mobility; the best practices from EFIL/AFS will also be included in the future Handbook. This is even more meaningful considering the fact that most of other contributors in the event and EPLM itself operate within the context of EU’s Erasmus+ funded mobility. The experience of networks from outside the E+ scheme, such as AFS, constitutes an important added value and key element in the discussions. On the other hand, for EFIL the seminar and the Platform are a great opportunity to connect to the wider field and build relevant links to other practitioners, policy makers and – not least – researchers.

The event main organiser, EPLM, aims to improve knowledge, visibility and recognition of learning mobility in the youth field through exchange and cooperation of stakeholders (researchers, policy makers and practitioners). It creates and maintains a collective, multi-professional voice from the youth field on the common concern of learning mobility, organises events bringing together actors in the field of learning mobility, and publishes materials and tools for the support of all actors involved. The EPLM is coordinated by the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth.The next big conference of the EPLM is planned for April 2019 in Oostende, Belgium and this time EFIL will be involved among the key organisers – an EPOT member Noomi Peter is a member of the preparatory team. Stay tuned for further information on that!

Please find more information about the event on its website or by contacting izabela.jurczik-arnold@afs.org