The so-called core group of the Pool of Representatives gathered for its annual meeting on 23-24 June 2018 in Brussels, in parallel to the EFIL Board meeting.

The core group is constituted by EFIL’s Head of Advocacy and the members of the Pool that have been selected to represent EFIL permanently towards certain institutions and Platforms. Currently, the members are Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro – representative towards the European Youth Forum (Portugal), Charlotte Klinting – member of the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe (Denmark), Lukas Findeisen – representative towards the EU structured dialogue with young people (Germany).

The group evaluated the work of the Pool in the last year and assessed EFIL’s needs in terms of advocacy, also in relations to the developments in the AFS global network. They brainstormed on how to make the EFIL Advocacy structures more effective and more engaging for volunteers and EFIL members. The overall idea of the new structure which will be launched in autumn is to empower volunteers to be effective in national level advocacy, being aware of the European advocacy environment, and therefore build the capacity of EFIL members in profiling as educational organisations at national level. These ideas were then presented to the EFIL Board.

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