The EFIL Board met in Brussels, Belgium, on 23 and 24 June 2018. It was the Board’s second in-person Board meeting of 2017, the first in its new composition.

The Chair thanked outgoing Board members Sinemis Candemir and Andrea Franzoi for their contributions to the Board’s work over the past years, and welcomed the new Board members Aldra Protti and Niklas Mengel (in absentia). The mandates for the EFIL Board 2018-2019 were decided as follows: Chair Anni Siltanen; Deputy-Chair Bjarke Rix Rasmussen; Treasurer Bart van Doveren; Secretary Niklas Mengel.

The main outcomes of the meeting:

  • A Working Group (Sabine Siegrist and Bjarke Rix Rasmussen) has been put together to look into the tasks of the Election Committee and to check the statutes.
  • The vetting list with criteria for non-AFS organisations to become EFIL members was reviewed.
  • The Board approved the establishment of the new EFIL IT Support Group.
  • The Board acknowledges the complications related to the GDPR compliancy.
  • An overview was presented of EFIL’s projects, with focus on the sustainable outputs. New projects include the expanded trimester programmes (PEACE/ECTP) and Class Exchanges in Europe.
  • The Board regrets but accepts the closing down of AFS in Croatia (Globus Association).
  • Regarding the situation with AFS Sweden, the Board appreciates both the concerns of the network and the work the Task Force has done, and trusts that the people included in the decision-making process will find the right and sustainable solutions to help AFS Sweden.
  • In a joint session with the EFIL Board, he EPOR Core Group presented their work incl. an overview of EFIL’s external representation, assessment and suggestions for improvement, as well as some recent developments.
  • EFIL ended the financial year 2017 with an acceptable small deficit.
  • The EFIL Financial Policy has been updated.
  • The Board took note of the minutes of the TICLAB meeting.
  • The EFIL General Assembly 2019 will take place in Krakow, Poland.

The third and last EFIL Board meeting of 2017 will take place again in Brussels (16-19 November 2018).