The project “Time to be welcome” is a collaborative partnership between 11 Organisations in Europe. The project will run until November 2018 and will involve volunteers from several different countries, volunteering for various durations of time in France and Greece (2 months, 6 months or 12 months).

EFIL is taking part in an Erasmus Plus KA3 collaborative partnership between WOSM, YEU International, EFIL, Scouting Ireland, Icelandic Scouts, Scouts of Macedonia, Singa, British Red Cross, Scouts Hellas (SHP) and EEUdF. The project is called “Time to be Welcome” and will run until November 2018. The project will involve volunteers from EU countries, volunteering for various periods  of time (2 months, 6 months or 12 months).

The project aims at encouraging young volunteers and youth organisations in Europe to support the welcoming of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and their integration process through the use of non-formal education and youth work, while encouraging Public opinion in Europe to be more respectful and more open towards migrants.

Volunteers will be empowered to take action in contributing to welcome refugees and newly arrived migrants in to refugee camps and other hosting structures and local communities. They will also facilitate the interaction between refugees and the local community members in order to set a strong foundation for their future cooperation and mutual understanding.

At the end of February the Kick of Meeting of the project took place in Athens, Greece. At the meeting delegated from all the partner organisations gathered to discuss the project, it’s implementation and to figure out how this large team will work together over the next  two years. Furthermore we had the change to visit refugee shelters and camps to gain an idea of the work our volunteers will take part in.

EFIL will select a total of 5 volunteers (aged 18-30) from its member organisations to take part in the project in France and Greece (1 volunteers for 1 year, 2 volunteers for 6 months and 2 volunteers for 2 months – with different departure dates). All volunteers will receive pre-departure and on-arrival trainings. Long term volunteers will also have the chance to attend international trainings and dissemination activities.

Interested in applying to the project? Contact your national AFS organisation – they have received the call.


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