
From 20-22 February Inga Menke (EFIL staff coordinating new partner development) travelled to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to support the current leadership in its transition. AFS Bosnia and Herzegovina has had a difficult year of transition and is now preparing for the upcoming General Assembly. The meeting focused on adjusting the structures of the organisation and strengthening the cooperation between office, Board and President. In addition, communication issues were tackled, a work plan for the Board for 2015 was developed and a draft budget 2015 was prepared to be presented at the General Assembly.  The succession of Board members that have left within the last year was discussed.

The meeting took place parallel to the national selection weekend which offered the opportunity for the leadership of AFS Bosnia and Herzegovina and EFIL to join the volunteers and the group of future AFS participants during some of the activities. Great talents are waiting to be hosted in Europe and beyond!