In 2006 EFIL established the Training Advisory Body (TAB) – the working structure providing input to training decisions, as well as developing some tangible results, such as the EFIL Training Strategy. In 2013 the TAB was re-shaped into the TICLAB – Training and Intercultural Learning Advisory Body. This added a clear and necessary focus on Intercultural Learning and resulted in drafting the first EFIL Intercultural Learning Strategy – endorsed by the EFIL Board – to accompany the already existing Training Strategy and to complement the EFIL Strategic Plan 2013-2020.

By becoming part of the TICLAB, its members commit to two years of cooperation – the current 2-year mandate of the 1st TICLAB has now come to an end. We are happy to announce that the next TICLAB generation for the upcoming term has been defined! The composition of the Training and Intercultural Learning Advisory Body will be similar to the previous mandate: 2 volunteers from the European Pool of Trainers, 2 staff members dealing with Organisational Development and/or Intercultural Learning, and one representative of AFS International. Based on the nominations received, the TICLAB 2015-2016 will consist of:

– Emilija Gagrcin, volunteer from AFS Serbia and AFS Germany,

– Ömer Ongun, volunteer from AFS Turkey,

– Roberto Ferrero, regional Volunteer Coordinator from AFS Italy,

– Gabor Csikos, Organisational Development Coordinator from Hungary,

– Melissa Liles from AFS International.

The new TICLAB will meet for the first time alongside the EFIL General Assembly in Budapest this May. The EFIL Secretariat and Board are looking forward to their work and at the same time expressing thanks for the contributions of the outgoing members: Mirella Simeonova from AFS Germany, Stephan Winiker from AFS Switzerland, Dunja Zivanovic from AFS Serbia and Dulio Santos from AFS Portugal.

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