Following the EFIL Heads of Office retreat in Malaga (see elsewhere in this edition of EFILife), the majority of the European National Directors boarded the high speed train from Malaga to Madrid to attend the celebrations of AFS Spain’s 60th anniversary.

In Madrid, the group first met with the staff of AFS Spain in their new office premises in the heart of the city. On Friday evening, a large crowd gathered on the rooftop of the Centro Comercial for the actual anniversary event, attended by volunteers and friends of AFS Spain, including several Ambassadors and dignitaries. The group of National Directors of the EFIL Member Organisations added an international flavour to the well designed event. There were speeches by AFS Spain’s Board Chair Pau Puigpelat, Fernando Piera Gomez (participant in 1956) and Vera Cerezo Diaz (participant in 2013), and 2004 Galatti Award winner Loli Gonzalez Diaz De Cerio.

EFIL congratulates the Board, staff and volunteers of AFS Spain with 60 years of excellent service, and wishes them many more years.
