On 4-8 June, 60 people from 4 international networks promoting a more just and peaceful world met in Hamburg for the ‘Seminar on Intercultural and Global Citizenship Education’. The 4 networks -Experiment in International Living, CISV International, EFIL and EEE-YFU – had been working on this project for the last year and a half and seeing the outcomes of this first cooperation coming together has been quite rewarding.

Participants engaged in lively and fruitful discussions on similarities among the 4 organisations, on practices in the fields of training, educational materials, leadership & participation, advocacy & partnerships. They then drafted concrete action plans for cooperation among the 4 networks at local, national and international level. Some plans are already in place:

The ICL news FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Iclnews/

We also had the pleasure to get input (and challenge) guest speakers: Prof. Daniela Groeschke from the University of Jena provided an overview on research findings related to Intercultural and Diversity Education, Christian Link – consultant on organisational development – and Garreth Lloyd – researcher at the National Centre of Voluntary Organisations in UK – provided insights in volunteers’ development & management.

The moments of fun were not missing, with great socializing and enjoying sun and cakes. An asset has also been our graphic facilitator Paul van Aarle who has been recording with great drawings our discussions, made pictures and videos. Want to get a sense of this Seminar? Have a look at this video! http://youtu.be/dXpaWo4pB-s

The Project team consisted of Anne Cruyt (AFS Belgium Flanders), Andrea Buser (YFU Switzerland), Katrin Molderings (Experiment Germany), Johanna Willems (CISV Germany) and Sabine Enko (CISV Austria). They did an amazing job in shaping and facilitating the seminar, and were helped by the logistics team of Johanna (CISV), Max (YFU), Birgit (AFS) and Emilie (Experiment). Part of the Steering Group of the Seminar was also present, Rupert Friderischsen (CISV Int), Tom Kurz (Experiment e.V), Elisa Briga (EFIL) and will ensure the seminar’s follow up for the upcoming year. There is great commitment not to leave this ‘a great memory’ but make it ‘a first step’.

For more: elisa.briga@afs.org

