EFIL attended the 3rd meeting of the Mobility Working Group of the European Youth Forum in Chisinau on 12-13 July which was kindly hosted by CNTM, the National Youth Council of Moldova.







The Working group members exchanged information on their activities to overcome mobility barriers and the latest policy developments on the topic.

From the policy perspective, we are glad that 76 MEPs have signed the ‘Free movement pledge’ during the election campaign. This will be a good basis for the advocacy on the revision of the visa code (Schengen visa for all third-country nationals) and the Visa directive (long term visa for pupils, students, trainees, au-pairs, volunteers).

For what concerns the visa code, the Italian Presidency will discuss the Commission’s proposal during its Presidency. This file receives attention from politics because of its wider target although it is harder to negotiate since all its provisions are binding for Member states.

The visa directive is a less attractive file since it regulates visas for specific targets. The current Trio-Presidency is unlikely to discuss the Commission’s proposal and YFJ is already approaching the next Trio (beginning of 2016). However a recent ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) says that Member States must allow non-EU nationals to stay for more than three months to study.

In order to effectively advocate for the revision of these two key European legislations tackling mobility for youth and education, the YFJ will launch an Online Platform in December, gathering all types of mobility barriers young people are facing when trying to enter EU for volunteering and studying.

YFJ will most likely continue its advocacy on mobility in the next 2 years since a specific objective on ‘Free movement’ is included in the draft YFJ workplan.

For more Elisa.Briga@afs.org