EFIL together with AFS International attended the European Conference ‘Citizens for Global Education, Education for Global Citizenship’on 24-25 June in Brussels. The event was organised by DEEEP, a project of CONCORD‘s DARE Forum, the European Development NGO confederation.





The Conference aimed at bringing together practitioners, institutions, academics and educators to discuss a proposal on Global Citizenship Education for the successor of the current Millennium-Development Goals of the UN which will be adopted in 2015. EFIL and AFS International gave their contribution at the workshops on assessment and measurement of Global Citizenship Education.

Currently, UN Development goals concerning Education aim at achieving primary education for all. The post-2015 framework aims at including quality next to access within the Education goal, which would allow including a target of Global Citizenship Education. So far, the target proposed is:

By 2030, all learners acquire knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to establish sustainable and peaceful societies, including through global citizenship education and education for sustainable development

The outcomes of the discussions at the Conference are gathered in the Brussels Proposal which serves as a basis for further advocacy.The new UN Development goals will be adopted in September 2015 and CONCORDE-DARE, UNESCO, Global Education First Initiative, Global Campaign For Education, Oxfam International are leading the advocacy actions.

At the moment the stakeholders gathered around the topic of Global Citizenship Education are mainly development cooperation organisations, and so are the Civil society organisations involved in the advocacy on this topic towards the UN.

All the outcomes of the Conference are available here.

UNESCO Publication on Global Citizenship Education: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002277/227729E.pdf

For more Elisa.Briga@afs.org