We are advancing in the collection of signatures to support the Question for oral debate aimed at discussing the issue of recognition of school study periods abroad in the European Parliament (EP) plenary.



MEP Victor Negrescu hosted the launch event to collect signatures on 29 March: MEP Daniele Viotti and MEP Julie Ward attended and were among the first signatories.During the event the campaign was presented and former exchange students from AFS and YFU talked about their experience and the issues they personally faced regarding recognition of their study period abroad.


From the left: Andreea madar (YFU Romania) Juliette Venou (AFS France/Belgium French Speaking)

The objective is to have all the 40 signatures by mid May: we already have 33 thanks to the great work done jointly by EEE-YFU, EFIL and the Youth Intergroup. We aim at having the discussion scheduled in the agenda of the EP Plenary session of September 2017.


MEP Julie Ward signing

MEP Negrescu continues to show his support to our campaign, and we are working with him to submit the proposal for a preparatory action to be funded by the European Commission, to create a network of experts and stakeholders (representatives of Members States, the European Commission, and civil society) who will be in charge of analysing the current situation about recognition of school periods abroad, learning from practice, and proposing potential way forwards.

At the same time MEP Negrescu is tabling a proposal for a own initiative report on the issue, in the Legal affairs committee (JURI) where he is member.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org