EFIL is closely following the revision of the EU key competences framework. As part of this process, we issued a statement on the role of intercultural competence within the revised  framework and you can read it here: EFIL statement_intercultural competence_FINAL

We have shared this with the Lifelong Learning Platform and the European Youth Forum to make sure that we speak with one voice, to ensure that intercultural competence is given the needed importance, it is well defined, and the links with other competences are made evident. The Lifelong Learning Platform has recently shared its position on the revision, where EFIL’s input has been taken into account.

In occasion of the annual meeting of the EU school policy networks on 4-5 April, EFIL has also shared its position, profiling as expert on intercultural learning in the workshops aimed at discussing ‘language competence’ and ‘social and civic competence’.

EFIL will submit its input to the public consultation by 19 May and we invited all our members to do so, attaching  our position paper. We will also attend the final consultation meeting scheduled  for 16 June.

We hope the input of civil society will be taken account by the European Commission which will publish its proposal on the renewed  framework in autumn 2017.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org