In each edition of EFILife, we dedicate some space to partner news, including personnel changes as well as relevant events that have taken place over the past months.


AFS Switzerland has undergone an organisational overhaul for the last 18 months:

A) Business Unit Structure

The office moved from a classical industrial functional organisation into a business unit organisation, thus trying to bring a market orientation to all of their functions.

B) Changes in Responsibilities

Valerie Brockhaus will be responsible for all hosting related affairs (including admission, volunteering, marketing, finances, negotiations, support, etc.). Luc Estape will stand in as the Sending Director until the growth goals have been reached in sending. Until the end of August, Christine Leimgruber will act as support in this role of Sending Director.

C) Staff Changes

Barbara Spirig, former Sending Support Coordinator and Team Leader of Support will leave AFS after seven years with AFS Switzerland. She will go into politics and run the local election campaign for a political party in Zurich. Valérie Vautier, support coordinator (Hosting and Sending) for the French speaking part of Switzerland will leave AFS end of June.

Barbara and Valerie will be replaced by Dilini Jeanneret, Support Coordinator French speaking part and Olivia Manrecaj, Support Coordinator German speaking part. Nora Husi, Customer Service (among other: travel coordinator) has left the office. Simone Ghilardi took over the tasks within travel, visas etc. Daniela Braun will become Administrative Assistant starting in August.


From AFS Bosnia and Herzegovina comes the news that a national hosting coordinator (50% position) has been appointed. Ramiz Murtic had the opportunity to liaise with the Bosnia and Herzegovina office due to his prior work in an NGO. Ramiz graduated in 2005 from the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, Serbia. Before joining the AFS Bosnia and Herzegovina Family, he worked as Programme Manager at the Youth Information Agency.

Lejna Celebichic will take over the role of national sending coordinator and Nadina Muslic will stay as National Director on a volunteer basis. The search for a third staff member to fill the position of organisational development coordinator (50% position) is still on-going.