Preparatory Team selected … participants enrolled … in July we will be looking for 37 volunteers!

266 participants from 23 countries will be leaving in mid-August for their trimester exchange in 24 countries in Europe.

We are glad to introduce you to the Preparatory Team of the ECTP Brussels Camp 2016, composed of 2 Trainers Coordinators, 2 Support Team Coordinators, 2 Communication/IT/Plenary Coordinators, 2 Camp Coordinators from the EFIL office: Elisa Briga and Inga Menke. Why all positions twice? Because just like in the past 3 years we will have 2 parallel camps which will take place simultaneously in two different venues in Dworp, near Brussels. ECTP participants will be divided equally by gender, nationality, and as much as possible by host country.

The Prep team met on 15-17 July in Brussels to put together the ECTP Brussels camp programme and visit the camp venues! The programme will include Active Citizenship in Europe and Changemaking, providing participants with tools and ideas on how to make a change in their local communities after coming back from their exchange.

From mid-July to 1 September we will be recruiting 37 volunteers (16 Trainers and 21 Support Team members) to join the Preparatory Team in the preparations and the Brussels Camp!

And now, have a look at the amazing Preparatory Team.











For more information:

Trainers team coordinators


Tinka Valtl (AFS Slovenia)

Hye, I am Tinka, an AFSer from Slovenia, currently being an active citizen in Austria moving to Croatia. Confused yet? Try finding the right shoes in three possible countries. It’s terrible. When I do not travel around Europe, study or work for AFS, I drink coffee, read books and do some gardening. All while singing. But you’ll get the chance to find out more at the ECTP. See you there!


Kevin Heyer (AFS Germany)

It’s fun to stay at the E-C-T-P (please imagine this with the YMCA melody!) Hey everyone! I’m Kevin, 25 years old and have been an AFSer ever since I came back from my exchange and I pretty much did everything as volunteer that AFS offers =) I am very glad to be joining the ECTP family again! I’ve already been in the support and trainers team as well as in the prep team for an ECTP training. Happy to be in the prep team now! Some words about myself… Currently doing my masters in Intercultural Human Resource Development, I’ve lived in Germany, Chile, Brazil, Turkey, Belgium and now in Spain for a bit, I like sports, especially outdoors and in/on/under/around water and mountains, I like music and dancing, travelling, talking and listening, asking questions and many more…

Support team coordinators


Massimiliano Verri (AFS Italy)

I’m Max and I’m a European from Italy. After being an exchange student to Australia at the time when Italy last won the World Cup Football, I got 100% involved with AFS: I have been a host brother a few times, and an active AFS volunteer in Italy ever since. I was local chapter for three years and after that I stayed involved with my chapter, mainly filling gaps that would arise from time to time. I have a background in international relations and a master’s in development economics. I am now based in Geneva where I work for euforia, a youth-driven social enterprise that uses non-formal education to unleash the youth’s change-making potential. AFS definitely boosted my passion for travelling and meeting new people. Besides my home country Italy and my host country Australia, I have lived in Switzerland, the UK and Kenya, and have figured out three weeks is what it takes me to get used to a new place. I’ve been involved with ECTP for quite some time now as trainer, support team member and support-team coordinator, and despite that, I still can’t make my way around the streets of Brussels 



 Camilla Mitillo (AFS Italy)

Hi, I am Camilla from Italy and I am very bad at presentations. I like reading, lists, movies, music, good food, hats, silly pictures, travelling, naps, history and long days at the beach. I am slowly graduating from my bachelor degree in International Relation, meanwhile I am trying to find out how should I spend the rest of my life. After my exchange in Canada with AFS I became a volunteer right away and it seems I just can’t stop finding new and interesting things to do in this amazing organisation. So here I am, looking forward to meet all of you in Brussels and being part of this team!

Communication/IT/Plenary Coordinators


Anica ectp description
  Anica Rimac (AFS Serbia/EVS at EFIL office)

Zdravo! I am Anica and I am a student, explorer, sports-lover, book-lover, traveller, optimist, and many more.I had my first ECTP experience last year, when I was there as a trainer. I had a great camp – I liked the people, atmosphere and the opportunity of intense learning during those days. This year I will go to ECTP again – this time I will communicate to participants before the camp, and once it starts make sure we all have a useful and fun time in the plenaries! I see it as a challenge, and am looking forward a lot.


Sigrun Tinna Sveinsdottir (AFS Iceland/EFIL Communication coordinator)

Hi there! In case we haven’t met before I would like to introduce myself. My name is Tinna and I was born in Reykjavík. My AFS journey began many years ago with my exchange year in Chicago. Since then I have been involved with AFS in many different ways; on local and national level in Iceland, on European level with EFIL and to a minor extend on local and national level with AFS Denmark, where I have been living these past 3 years. I have a degree in Literature from the University of Iceland and if we meet I will most likely ask you what you are currently reading. I very much look forward to taking part in the preparations for this years’ ECTP camp and hope that it will be a memorable event for volunteers and participants alike.

Note: Tinna will become an EFIL staff member as of September 2016 (Communication Coordinator)

For more: