An awaited topic will be tackled during the upcoming EFIL seminar taking place 14-19 April 2015 in Sigtuna, near Stockholm, Sweden: intercultural (and beyond) learning of hosting and sending families involved in long-term exchanges. The title of the project “Youth exchange: community engagement across generations” reminds us that the AFS educational mission extends to more generations that the exchange participants themselves.

In line with the AFS International recommendation to rethink how host families fit in the learning process of exchange, the seminar will gather a group of about 25 volunteers and staff from the European AFS organisations to reflect on families’ motivations and learning goals, and to exchange existing good practices in the network.

The event will be facilitated by a preparatory team consisting of: Stasa Stojkov from AFS Serbia, Yves Gheysen from AFS Belgium French, Mirella Simeonova from AFS Germany and Izabela Jurczik-Arnold from EFIL, with administrative support of Paola Cane from EFIL. The team is meeting 6-8 March in Brussels to plan the event programme and further details.

The seminar will be kindly hosted by AFS Sweden and includes a synergy meeting with a group of Swedish volunteers participating in the AFS national assembly at the same venue. The project is put into reality thanks to the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.

For more information:
