EFIL is conducting the Erasmus+ job shadowing project called ‘Common European Citizenship-Different Local approaches’. This project is a learning opportunity for staff members from EFIL, AFS Sweden, AFS Belgium Flanders, AFS Russia, AFS Germany and AFS Hungary on how European Citizenship content can be integrated differently in orientations, in particular in those for the participants to the European Citizenship Trimester Programme (ECTP).


ECTP looking ahead

by Inga Menke – from EFIL to AFS Germany

From 10-15 April 2015 I visited the AFS office in Hamburg, Germany. Together with Ariane Schmerse who is the person in charge of the European Citizenship Trimester Programme (ECTP) in AFS Germany, we had a look at different areas that are relevant for the growth with quality in the ECTP: fundraising, training and content, volunteer engagement and PR.

A funding application was submitted to the Mercator foundation to further boost ECTP and strengthen the active citizenship element of the programme.

Together with volunteers a project was initiated to strengthen the content of the programme in orientations and re-orientations. German volunteers will work during the upcoming year to design content for a separate orientation framework. The volunteers will also inform other key volunteers at national events about ECTP to ensure that the programme is offered nationwide (which is not the case yet). Through a better support of the students before and after their exchange, AFS Germany also hopes to find new ECTP volunteers that will continue to support the programme in the future.

Finally we had a look at PR materials and gave feedback to the PR department to better promote ECTP in the future.
All in all it was a very successful project and a very good cooperation!

Job Shadowing GER