EFIL is conducting the Erasmus+ job shadowing project called ‘Common European Citizenship-Different Local approaches’. This project is a learning opportunity for staff members from EFIL, AFS Sweden, AFS Belgium Flanders, AFS Russia, AFS Germany and AFS Hungary on how European Citizenship content can be integrated differently in orientations, in particular in those for the participants to the European Citizenship Trimester Programme (ECTP).


Starting up ECTP in Sweden!

By Elisa Briga, from EFIL to AFS Sweden

During 5 days with AFS Sweden I had the great chance to meet the volunteers during the General Assembly in Sigtuna for 2 days, near Stockholm, and spend 3 days with the AFS Sweden staff in the office.

At the General Assembly I gave a presentation on EFIL and our work on promoting European active citizenship through several initiatives , both to the GA delegates and a group of returnees.

job shadowing SWE2

During the days in the office, I met with Marcel Gruninger – Programme Coordinator – and Jenny Eriksson – Volunteer Coordinator – to see how to include active citizenship content in exchanges and the activities addressing volunteers, and in particular how to launch the European Citizenship Trimester Programme (ECTP) in Sweden, both for sending and hosting, and how to involve volunteers in this process. I also met with the PR department to discuss potential ways on how to promote the ECTP towards schools. The information learned from the other AFS organisations on how to implement ECTP were very precious in counselling AFS Sweden.

Elisa job shadowing in SWE

Finally, I learned much about the EVS project AFS Sweden is conducting in partnership with AFS Czech Republic, where the EVS volunteers, Ivana and Jana, organise events and activities for the internationally recognised dates celebrating values close to the AFS mission, and many other interesting activities which promote intercultural understanding and curiosity.

A big thank you to AFS Sweden and good luck with the starting up of ECTP!

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org