The sixth General Assembly of AFS BIH – Intercultural Meetings in Bosnia and Herzegovina – was held on 28 March 2015 in Sarajevo.

The GA was opened by its President, Haris Buljubasic, who then gave the word to Mila Majstorovic, President of the organisation. Mila presented the Annual Report 2014, highlighting the growth of the AFS programmes and giving special attention to the hosting of the 7th edition of EFIL’s annual Volunteer Summer Summit in Sutjeska.  The Annual Report  will soon be made available at

The Assembly thanked and acknowledged Aljosa Preradovic, former Chair, and Branka Kolar-Mijatovic, former Board member, who resigned last year, as well as Neira Milavica who stepped down from the Board last year to accept the Programme Manager position. Milan Kusmuk, who represented AFS BIH at the AFS World Congress in Paris last November, was elected as the new Chair, and Andrej Rosic was elected Vice-Chair.  Other Board members are Edin Fazlovic, Kenan Hadzic and Sara Pandzic.

The first Board meeting was held the next day in Sarajevo and was attended by Inga Menke, Patner Development Coordinator from EFIL. The Board discussed the conclusions of the GA and worked on the Business Plan 2015.