In 2006 EFIL established the Training Advisory Body (TAB) – the working structure providing input to training decisions, as well as developing some tangible results, such as the EFIL Training Strategy. In 2013 the TAB was re-shaped into the TICLAB – Training and Intercultural Learning Advisory Body. This added a clear and necessary focus on Intercultural Learning and resulted in drafting the first EFIL Intercultural Learning Strategy.

The current TICLAB, consisting of Emilija Gagrcin (AFS Serbia and AFS Germany), Ömer Ongun (AFS Turkey), Roberto Ferrero (AFS Italy), Gabor Csikos (AFS Hungary), Melissa Liles (AFS International), met with Izabela Jurczik-Arnold (EFIL Secretariat) in Istanbul 7-9 March 2016, to discuss the strategic and operational training and intercultural learning issues for EFIL.

The topics on the agenda concentrated primarily on:

– monitoring the implementation of the EFIL ICL and Training Strategies;

– mutual update and cooperation between AFS International and EFIL;

– evaluation of past and input to upcoming EFIL activities;

– developing ideas for new training events and thematic directions.

The meeting was intense and fruitful; many ideas from the meeting are now being turned into action and will be seen on the EFIL activity calendar of the next 2 years.

Thank you very much from the EFIL Secretariat for the great contribution of this group!

For more information and any further details about the meeting results please contact: or


TICLAB photo