Intercultural learning

Intercultural learning is the main objective of EFIL, therefore we engage in advocacy at European level on this topic.

We advocate for long term secondary-school exchanges as a key tool to promote intercultural learning and active citizenship, in particular as a follow up of the Paris Declaration on Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through Education signed by the EU Ministers of Education in Paris on 17th March 2015.
– 2 December 2015 – European Parliament, debate ‘Education in Promoting Intercultural Dialogue and Citizenship’. Roberto Ruffino speaking in the Panel discussion.
– 3 December 2015 – Committee Education and Culture of the European Parliament – Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on the topic ‘Education and Youth’. Roberto Ruffino speaking about ‘‘Practising youth civic engagement and active citizenship’ through intercultural exchanges.

– 12 October 2016 – Debate on Intercultural and citizenship education. The panel featured Nektaria Palaiologou (International Association for Intercultural Education) and Sogol Noorani from the Executive Agency for Education, Culture and Audiovisual (EACEA).

We advocate for Quality intercultural exchanges:
– within the European Platform for Learning Mobility, contributing to the Expert group drafting the European Charter on Quality Learning Mobility.
– within the Lifelong Learning Platform,  its Manifesto ‘Building the Future of Learning in Europe‘ and
its Position paper on ‘Education to foster Intercultural Understanding and Solidarity in Europe’
– at specific events with like minded organisations: ‘Learning mobility: yes, but quality mobility!‘, 1st December 2015, Brussels

We advocate for keeping intercultural competences high in the EU Education,Training&Youth agenda and in the Council of Europe agenda.
– contribution to the consultation on the revision of ET2020 and EU skills agenda
– contribution to the Council of Europe’s Framework for Competences for Democratic Culture and Intercultural Dialogue

-contribution to the revision of the EU Key Competences Framework in 2017.

Global citizenship education

EFIL supports the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 4-Education, which refers to Global citizenship education.

In November 2014 people from all over the world gathered in Paris to celebrate the AFS Centennial at the AFS Global Intercultural Education Symposium and AFS 100 Year Young Youth workshop and Symposium and discussed the future of Global Citizenship Education.

– UNESCO Global Citizenship Education: Topics and Learning objectives
– UNESCO Global Citizenship Education – Preparing learners for the challenges of the 21st century