In the wake of the worsening climate crisis, sustainability has become a must for EFIL’s largest training event and is one of the core values of the VSS 2023. Starting from the Prep Team meeting in Reims in April, we brainstormed new ideas and concrete ways to make this VSS as sustainable as possible. From choosing recycled materials for some activities, to consciously sourcing eco-friendly t-shirts and tote bags, to providing common spaces with additional recycling bins, the volunteer team will try their best to address one of the biggest challenges of our times. 

To support the objective of making the VSS more sustainable, since 2022 the Summer Summit is an entirely vegetarian event. Therefore, fish and meat (incl. beef, pork, chicken, etc.) will NOT be served during the VSS; other animal products like dairy and eggs will be served.* Some might think this extreme, but we are facing a crisis and we want to contribute to it as little as possible. We are also aware that we might fall short in other areas of sustainability,  and we will be more than happy to hear your feedback and talk about this together at the VSS to find ways forward for more and more sustainable EFIL and AFS events.

Since sustainability has become a core value of the Volunteer Summer Summit, we also encourage all participants and volunteers to prioritise green travel options when looking for possible itineraries to join the event in Reims. We will do our best to achieve a sustainable VSS thanks to our joint efforts!

As active participants in our communities, we firmly believe that we must take action to increase awareness of the current environmental crisis by implementing daily sustainable activities and lifestyles, sharing good and inspiring practices, and behaving responsibly.

Do you have any practical tips about what we can do to make the #VSS23 more sustainable? We would love to receive your input, so feel free to email us at or write your suggestions on our social media channels (Instagram and Facebook).

*Should you require to consume fish or meat for medical reasons, please make sure to communicate this in the registration form.