The Board of EFIL has recruited Davide Capecchi as a new Secretary-General of the European Federation for Intercultural Learning!
Davide joined the Secretariat on May 8th.

Before, he worked for the Council of Europe on its partnership on youth with the European Commission since 2014. He worked on non-formal education, youth work, youth policy, and particularly on youth research. He coordinated the Pool of European Youth Researchers and the European Platform on Learning Mobility. Previously, Davide worked as director of a Europe-wide NGO based in Luxembourg and served as president of the international board of the Erasmus Student Network in Brussels. He is a Johns Hopkins University graduate in nonprofit management and holds an MBA in international arts management. Davide is German and Italian national and is fluent in five European languages.

Furthermore, we want to give you a chance to get to know Davide a bit more. Here are the answers to 5 burning questions we asked our new Secretary-General.

Why did you apply to work at EFIL?
– Because I love its mission, and it makes me eager to contribute to it. Besides, EFIL has a great reputation in the education sector in Europe, and I just loved the idea to be part of it.

What were your goals for EFIL?
– The same as now: to serve members and volunteers to the best of my abilities to strengthen our impact and to drive for real change. 

What actions (from yourself and others) make your day immediately better?
– Hot, black coffee, authenticity, and altruism. 

What is the most useful thing you own?
– My dreams. 

What is a cringy inspirational quote you live by/ believe in?
– ‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn’t hear the music’, – F. Nietzsche