The TfT is an annual event where trainers and volunteers from different nationalities come together for a week to gain confidence and experience in preparing and executing training sessions in an international context.

The 2019 edition of the Training for Trainers, part of the EFIL’s Work Plan, took place in Odense (Denmark) the past Fall, between the 27th of October and the 4th of November 2019, and gathered 19 participants and 4 trainers from 17 different countries. This year, the content moved around the sustainable impact of training and an effective multiplication of the learning outcomes, paying attention to all the phases from preparation to follow-up to ensure a successful and impactful training. The preparatory team in charge of organizing this year’s TfT consisted of: Charlotte Klinting (AFS Denmark), Flavio Rino (AFS Portugal), and Mary-Paz González (AFS Spain) assisted by Jenný Lárentsínusdóttir and Martina Benito Olmos from the EFIL office.

Besides the sessions on basic trainer competencies, this year our participants developed a 2 to 3 hour session on topics linked to sustainable and impactful training or global citizenship learning for other participants present at the UddannelseBazaar weekend event in Denmark interested in the workshops.

Moreover, in this edition, the training incorporated the use of new digital media and online tools to provide participants with practical mechanisms for follow up and offer the opportunity to build networks of international contacts and further multiplication of the training.

The project was organised with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.