The EFIL Organisational Development Coordinators (ODC) meeting took place 4-8 February 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia. The meeting is organised biannually and this time brought together 22 organisational development staff and key volunteers, from 17 AFS organisations.

The close cooperation between EFIL and AFS International kept the meeting contents strongly in line with the current global processes in the AFS network, notably the Future AFS Strategy. The 3-day agenda included sessions focused on the different aspects of AFS Volunteer Journey and Leadership, the practical tools to be used for volunteer and chapter development, as well as the different models for supporting volunteers in an organisational structure. The group also spent time gaining a better understanding of the European and International AFS structures, and participated in a survey on the training-related services and needs. The ever-appreciated dimension of the meeting was the sharing of realities, practices and challenges with the colleagues from other countries. The event helped in building a stronger sense of community between OD Coordinators.

A big thank you to AFS Serbia for being, as usual great hosts! Great appreciation also goes to the hardworking members of the preparatory team: Tinna Sveinsdottir – AFS Iceland, Carsten Overby – AFS Denmark, Marika Strauss – AFS International and Izabela Jurczik-Arnold – EFIL, who led the training sessions. Finally, thanks to all the participants for contributing to this productive meeting and see you again in two years!

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