From 29 August till 2 September 2018 20 board members and 4 preparatory team members met in Cairo, Egypt, to reflect on the role of board members and increase leadership skills. Seminar participants came mainly from EFIL member countries (Austria, both parts of Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia) but also from beyond (Kenya).

The diversity between the experiences and perspectives of the participants, combined with the expertise of the facilitators, have let this group discover issues such as:

  • understanding governance structures, board’s functions and its responsibility;
  • challenges boards face including strategic planning, the relationship with the national director, external relations and advocacy, building connections to the constituency, communication and board efficiency;
  • AFS Network context and AFS Future Strategy.

Participants’ evaluation showed their clear satisfaction with the seminar. All participants made plans to carry what they gained back to their national boards and organisations.

A well-deserved thank you goes to AFS Egypt for the support and great hospitality they showed to the whole group. A full seminar day took place at the brand new premises of AFS Egypt, where the participants enjoyed not only excellent facilities but also a cultural show by AFS alumni and a lovely rooftop dinner!

Special words of gratitude go to the preparatory team including Fabricia Manoel (AFS International), Dulio Santos (AFS Portugal), Amalie Ferdinand (AFS Denmark and International Board of Trustees) and Izabela Jurczik-Arnold (EFIL). Their different profiles and experiences certainly enriched the seminar, and it was a pleasure to work in this team.

Please don’t hesitate to contact or the preparatory team in case of any questions about the event!