Back in Brussels!

Let me introduce myself: My name is Tinna Sveinsdottir and I am the new Communication Coordinator at the EFIL Secretariat in Brussels. I am originally from Reykjavik, although, by now, there are a number of cities around the world I like to call home.

I have a classic AFS story: I was an exchange student in Chicago and as soon as I returned I became an active volunteer for AFS Iceland. Through volunteering for AFS on national level and later for EFIL on European level I have gained new experiences, numerous skills and amazing friendships. In 2012-2013 I spent a year in the EFIL office as an intern where my main responsibility was the Volunteer Summer Summit. After the internship I moved to Copenhagen where I have been living ever since.

Coming back to the EFIL office feels like coming home. I would like to think that now I am three years older and three years wiser and therefore I should be ready to take on this new and exciting challenge. The position of Communication Coordinator is new at EFIL which makes this both a great challenge and a great opportunity. I look forward to tackling the tasks ahead, I know it will take some time to settle in but with such wonderful colleagues I know it will be a good experience. In fact, getting to change your passion into you career is a bit of a dream come true.

I officially started working at the beginning of September. 6 weeks is not a long time but already I have noticed how incredibly helpful and friendly the network is. All my questions, be it to my colleagues in the office, staff or volunteers in partner organisations around Europe or at AFS International have been met with nothing but good-will and enthusiasm. Numerous people have already taken the time to write long answers to my questions or scheduled Skype meetings to introduce themselves and tell me about something that will come in handy in my new position. This truly shows the AFS spirit and it makes me very happy. How lucky we are to have such a network!

I know I have a lot to learn but I also think that I have a lot to bring to AFS and EFIL. I don’t know what the future brings but I’m sure it is something great!