EFIL’s European Pool of Representatives is a group of maximum 15-20 AFS volunteers from EFIL members who represent EFIL at external events and in Platforms. This Pool was initiated back in 2011 and starts its third mandate.

The new Pool consists of 13 volunteers from 10 different countries, 2 of whom have already been in the Pool for one mandate and 2 for two mandates. The 9 new EPORies will attend a mandatory online course on EFIL’s Advocacy to get prepared for their external representation role.

The online course will run from 20 March to 26 May, it is open also to EPORies and EFIL Advocacy Liaisons (the people appointed by each Member Organisation to liaise with EFIL on matters of Advocacy) and will include interaction with representatives of YFU organisations in order to initiate cooperation on national level advocacy.

The online course will be followed by an in-person training called ‘Exchange Voices’ where external representatives and national Advocacy liaisons from AFS and YFU organisations will share practices and challenges of national level advocacy, find out links with European level advocacy and start cooperation.

The whole package of online + in-person training constitutes the EFIL Advocacy Capacity Building aimed at helping our Members to meet the conditions on which EFIL’s Advocacy is based, namely conduct Advocacy at national level and inform EFIL about it.

Within the EPOR there is a ‘Core group’ formed by the ones who hold permanent representative positions, plus EFIL’s Advocacy coordinator. The current permanent representative positions are the one towards the European Youth Forum (Alexandra Singpiel-AFS Germany) and the one for the EU structured dialogue with young people (Charlotte Klinting – AFS Denmark). The EPOR core group will meet in person for the first time in Budapest, partly overlapping with the EFIL General Assembly in May 2015 and contributing to some of the sessions.


Fore more info elisa.briga@afs.org