Summer Academy

From 18 to 29 July 2016, InterCultur (subsidiary of AFS Germany) will for the seventh time organise the Summer Academy on Intercultural Experience together with Karlshochschule International University in Germany in close cooperation with Stiftung Mercator, one of Germany’s largest foundations. It brings together young people from all over the world to work together on the following questions:  How are cultures constructed, how do people perceive the world, how can we solve the problems that arise when different cultural values meet?

The Summer Academy is characterised by its innovative combination of university lectures and practical workshops. An experiential learning approach, leading to a very deep and lasting understanding of the topic addressed!   The Summer Academy aims at developing applied solutions for intercultural challenges in business and society, focusing on the topics of international relations and intercultural conflict resolution. Furthermore, it introduces the term “Intercultural Competence” as well as the variety of methods used in trainings within this field and their design.

AFS volunteers and staff can use this opportunity for their own further education and qualification in the area of intercultural learning.Participants will benefit from the international character of the Summer Academy (in past editions participants, trainers and lecturers came from more than 40 different countries).Undergraduate students can obtain up to six European Credit Points for their participation.Experienced AFS-trainers can multiply their knowledge at the Summer Academy.

The Academy is being held in English and is open to anyone aged 18–35 with a demonstrable interest in intercultural encounters, especially undergraduate students and young professionals. Scholarships are being offered (deadline for scholarship applications is March 31, 2016).

Are you interested? Please find more information on

If you have any questions, please contact Manuel Gerstner ( or Annemarie Schwiebbe (