EFIL will run a Study session at the European Youth Centre in Budapest on ”Active citizenship in the refugee crisis – local projects for the global exchange network’ from 21 to 28 August.

The objective is to to give a relevant contribution to supporting refugees in Europe, using the expertise and network of a long-term exchange organisation such as AFS. The Study session will help our network in reflecting on our role in the current situation. In particular, there will be discussions and concrete projects that are already taking place both at the grassroots level (individuals, chapters) and among the AFS national and international leadership.

This Study session will involve 30 participants, half of them from AFS organisations and half from refugee organisations. Each AFS participant will recruit another person from his/her country from a refugee organisation, and they will work together as a pair.

The trainers team has been appointed: course director and two trainers from the EFIL network – Annika Menke (AFS Germany), Noemi Sophie Peters (AFS Germany) and Jeroen Vandenbempt (AFS Belgium Flanders) -, two external trainers that have experience in working with refugees, Racha Mallat (Belgium) from Formaat and Cihan Kilic (Turkey) from Voice of Young Refugees in Europe, and Xavier Baro Urbea, an experienced trainer selected by the Council of Europe . They will meet in April for the preparatory meeting.

The Call for participants will come out soon, with a deadline in mid April. Participants will start to work together as from the beginning of May.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org