EFIL was present at the launch of School Education Gateaway on 19October in Brussels. School Education Gateaway is a European-wide education portal available in 23 languages, which aims to bring the European action for schools closer to the practitioners and to encourage cooperation between schools and other organisations with news, events, good practices and information on European policy to teachers and educators across Europe. It has now 45.000 visitors per months and it is complementary to e-twinning, which is a tool to connect classrooms all over Europe and beyond.


The portal aims at being the European hub for the school sector, gathering best practices for teachers on how to promote key competences and offering training and mobility opportunities for them through the sections ‘Erasmus+ opportunities’ and ‘Teachers’ academy’ which includes both online and in-site training offers. Within its Teachers’ Academy, a MOOC on ‘Competences for 21st century Skills’ is available, which includes citizenship and intercultural education.

Every stakeholder in the school sector is invited to register to the website to post announcements -for example also about a teachers training being organised-, contribute to the forum and comment on articles.

As EFIL, we have already been using the School Education Gateaway, informing Education and School Relations responsibles about its features, publishing events such as Intercultural Dialogue Day and the Forum on Intercultural Learning and Exchange in its calendar, and by publishing an article on ECTP which will then feature as a best practice on citizenship education.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org