During the most recent feasibility visit to Sofia, Bulgaria, from 1-4 September, important steps were taken to get closer to the establishment of AFS structures and a partner organisation in Bulgaria. The visit to Bulgaria of Inga Menke and Paola Cane (EFIL) included meetings with Vision for Education, aimed at further discussing the cooperation with AFS. A preparation was conducted for the enthusiastic ECTP student leaving for France.







The visiting EFIL team also met with a number of key volunteers to discuss what is needed to register the new partner organisation and to talk about options for future fundraising. Key volunteers also committed to a training on the AFS mission and values, the functioning of an AFS organisation and on Intercultural Learning. The enthusiasm of the volunteers was inspiring and was a clear indication of their readiness to move on with building up an AFS partner organisation in Bulgaria in the near future.







The visit ended with an interesting and positive meeting between EFIL, Vision for Education and the group of local volunteers. Volunteers aim at registering their new organisation by the end of 2014.