Partner Development (map)



At the its meeting in Madrid (6-8 June, see elsewhere in this edition of EFILife), the EFIL Board unanimously approved the extension of the Affiliate Membership of the partner organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia by a further three years, until June 2017. The continued investment of EFIL resources will further work towards the establishment of sustainable leadership and governance structures in the partner organisations, as well as the drafting of detailed development plans.

The EFIL statutes define Affiliate members as “newly established organisations, appointed by the General Assembly, and admitted for a period of three years, extendable for maximum three more years.” Since the partner organisations in the countries mentioned above all joined the Federation at the General Assembly in Vienna in 2011, there was a need to look into the renewal of the membership. Note that this not apply to Poland, as our partner organisation in Poland only joined EFIL as an Affiliate Member at the General Assembly in Belgrade in 2013.

EFIL is looking forward to continuing to guide its Affiliate Members in their further development towards full membership of the Federation.