In each edition of EFILife, we dedicate some space to partner news, including personnel changes as well as relevant events that have taken place over the past months.


AFS Germany offers 3 internship positions to young AFSers for 2017. The starting dates in are 1 January, 1 May or 1 June. A motivation letter and CV (including a photo) in either English or German indicating the preferred starting date can be sent to

From AFS France comes the news that a new Partner Director has been appointed. Laure Métro-Savelli graduated from ESSEC Business school in Paris with a major in strategic Marketing; she also has a diploma in NGO Management from the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs. In the past 28 years she has worked in for-profit and non-profit organisations in France and abroad (many years in Japan). You can contact Laure at Further staff changes include: Simon Papet, Interim Chief Operations Officer, will resume his responsibilities as Chief Organisation Development Officer and remain part of the Executive Team. Anais Crouzet, the current Programme Director was promoted to the position of Chief Operations Officer. She will continue to be the head of the programme department handling all programme related questions. She will also be the head of the risk management team. Furthermore, she will have further financial authority and represent AFS France on the international level.
AFS Sweden is happy to announce that Theréz Randquist has started as the new Partner Director. Theréz has a background in leadership and communication from the finance and communication business. Her international experience is from working with international companies and she also studied in Canada and the US. Theréz just returned to Stockholm from a year in London.