In each edition of EFILife, we dedicate some space to partner news, including personnel changes as well as relevant events that have taken place over the past months.


Following the General Assembly of AFS Switzerland a new Board has been elected. The new Board is composed of: Suzanne Weigelt, Chair; Evelyne Suter, Vice-Chair; Idris Abdelkhalek; Lisa Droessler; Emamdeen Fohim; Antonia König; Iris Reber; Nicole von Reitzenstein; Luc Estapé (Partner Director, ex officio).

Some staff changes have taken place: Markus Schmid, Director Organisational Development & Services, has left the organisation mid-May. Petek Altinay, Programme Director, will be leaving the organisation by the end of August. Nicole Rast, responsible for Marketing, will leave the organisation this autumn.

From AFS Austria comes the news that Anne Schubert has been appointed as new person for Hosting Support. She holds a Master in Economy and Society of East Asia. Anne is working closely together with Stefanie who started past February for Hosting Admission.

AFS Hungary held its annual international training weekend between 14-16 May 2016 near Budapest. The three-day-long trAinFS 2016 invited over 70 local participants and 7 international volunteers coming from Italy, Germany, Latvia and Poland. Over the weekend 12 different workshops were offered to participants in the field of communication, marketing, facilitation skills and self-development. The event involved a team of 23 experienced volunteers in various roles including prep-team members, support team members and trainers.

HUN trainfs_2016_team

On 5 June AFS Poland held its First General Assembly. Over 60 volunteers from the whole country gathered in Piekary near Krakow to attend and celebrate this great event. The new board was elected: Katarzyna Piskorska (chair); Bartosz Gauza (member); Agnieszka Międzik (member); Jakub Szarawarski (member). Christine Leimgruber (AFS International) and Paul Claes (EFIL) attended the events.