Every year in spring, EFIL attends the Annual Conference and General Assembly of the Lifelong Learning Platform. This year it was in Tallinn, Estonia, from 31 May to 2 June.

This year the topic was Education in a Digital World, in view of the drafting of a platform’s policy paper on digital learning and the focus of the upcoming Estonian Presidency of the EU.


For EFIL this was a great occasion to get input for the upcoming Study session on ‘Youth Work for Intercultural Dialogue: Online and In-person Encounters’ and present at the Digital Fair the Erasmus+ project on Open Badges, European Badge Alliance, thanks to which we now have a digital tool to recognise learning from the European Citizenship Trimester Programme.


At the General Assembly the platform welcomed 2 new members, the Association for Teacher Education in Europe and  European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)

The focus of this GA was to define the new advocacy strategy of the Platform, in particular in view of the upcoming European Parliament elections and the revision of the Erasmus+ programme.

The next big upcoming event for the Platform will be the annual Lifelong Learning Week on 20-24 November in Brussels.

EFIL is very thankful to the LLL Platform for the great amount of information we receive and the opportunities of networking and visibility that are offered. Here you can read the report of the activities of the platform in 2016.

LLLP report

More information: elisa.briga@afs.org