The EU institutions keep working towards the implementations of the Paris declaration.

In order to inform policy on how to foster active citizenship and intercultural dialogue an interesting report has been published,  namely ‘Education policies and practices to foster tolerance, respect for diversity and civic responsibility in children and young people in the EU’ . This publication was drafted by NESET, the Advisory network of experts working on the social dimension of education and training. Another important contribution came from Eurydice which published the Overview of education policy developments in Europe, following the Paris Declaration of 17 March 2015.

The ET2020 Working group on on ‘Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and nondiscrimination through education (follow-up to the Paris Declaration)’ has just been put up by the European Commission and started its work. EFIL is glad that the Lifelong Learning Platform has been selected as one of the 6 organisations member of this Working Group and will work closely with them to contribute to the outcomes of the Working Group mandate. The other members are ILGA-Europe, EAEA, SOLIDAR, EFEE, ETUCE, ETUC, UNESCO, Council of Europe, Eurydice, European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, Cedefop, Ecorys UK.

The LLLPlatform has been very active in promoting intercultural dialogue and active citizenship and has just re-published their position paper on the topic including, 21 good practices from their membership, EFIL included.

paris declaration

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