• EUCIS-LLL policy debate “Intergenerational learning for inclusive societies”


On 31 March EFIL attended a policy debate organised by EUCIS-LLL on intergenerational learning for inclusive societies. Speakers presented work done and good practices (mainly at school level) from their organisations (European Parents AssociationEnsemble demain, European Association for the Education of Adults, DUO for a JOB)and projects. In the second part of the event, participants worked on some possible policy recommendations for intergenerational learning in Europe. “Why should we invest into intergenerational learning?”. In order to answer this question public awareness at the political and media level on the benefits of intergenerational learning has to be raised. In 2060 50% of the population will be more than 50 years old, therefore there is a clear need to promote active aging. Heinz K. Becker, Member of the European Parliament touched upon the importance within this intergenerational learning process of the role of volunteers and the volunteering recognition.
Youth exchanges involving host families can also be an opportunity of intergenerational learning. To read more about the outcomes of the seminar EFIL organised on “Youth Exchange: community engagement across generations” click here.

  • EUCIS-LLL welcomes CULT vote on TTIP: safeguarding our educational model

The ongoing negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the European Union and the USA are a cause of concern for many educational stakeholders in Europe. Aware of the dangers such liberalisation might present, EUCIS-LLL and its partners have strongly advocated against (see EUCIS-LLL’s position paper on Why Education should be excluded from the TTIP). EUCIS-LLL thus wants to firmly underline that education is a public good and asks the European Commission and the Member States to exclude education from the negotiations.


EUCIS-LLL’s actions and opinion was recognised, as the EU Parliament the Committee on Education and Culture (CULT) voted in favour of the amendment stating the TTIP agreement shall “ensure with a general clause the right to adopt or maintain any measure with regard to the provision of all educational services which work on a non-profit-basis and/or receive public funding to any degree or state support in any form and ensure that privately funded foreign providers meet the same quality and accreditation requirements as domestic providers”

  • A new interest group on lifelong learning within the European Parliament

European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) have initiated an Interest Group on Lifelong Learning together with six Members of the European Parliament to discuss various key issues connected to lifelong learning. The first meeting took place in Brussels on 16th of April 2015 and the next one will be before summer. The focus of 2015–2016 is “Inclusive education for inclusive societies”. The Group aims to fight inequalities and discrimination in education in order to reach the Europe 2020 and Education and Training 2020 headline targets and contribute to the EU growth strategy this way.

“Education is not only about employment, but is linked to personal development, social inclusion, active citizenship, and much more. The interest group works as a “watchdog” to what the European Commission is doing,” explains Ms. Gina Ebner, Secretary-General of European Association for the Education of Adults-EAEA.

The Group will create bridges between social and employment policies and education policies as well as between policy-makers, practitioners and researchers.

council of europe

What? The Youth Work Portfolio is an online tool that helps individuals, teams and organisations doing youth work around Europe to understand their competence and to develop it more effectively.

For who? This tool can be used by trainers, youth work managers and policy makers working at any level, and generally all those interested in the topic of quality development and recognition of youth work.

By whom? The Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio is an initiative of the Council of Europe in co-operation with partners such as the European Commission and the European Youth Forum.


  1. To improve the recognition of youth work,
  2. To promote the Council of Europe’s approach to youth policy,
  3. To promote the values of the Council of Europe and the European Youth Sector.

For more: paola.cane@afs.org