Board elections took place in Budapest during EFIL’s General Assembly, and the following nominees were voted on the EFIL Board by the General Assembly: Ekaterina Bagdasarova from Russia (for a second term), Bart van Doveren from Belgium Flanders (for a third term), and Philipp Wagner from Austria (for a third term).

The EFIL Board met in Budapest on Sunday 17 May (see elsewhere in this edition of EFILife), and it was decided to prolong the current mandates: Jörn Lehmann as Chair, Philippe Wagner as Deputy-Chair, Bart van Doveren as Treasurer, and Ekaterina Bagdasarova as Secretary of the Board.

The EFIL Board consists of seven members, serving two-year terms (renewable), and meeting at least three times per year in person. Current Board members are the four Directors holding mandates as indicated above, plus Jatta Erlund from Finland, Andrea Franzoi from Italy and Ragnar Thorvardarson from Iceland. In 2012, following a decision taken at the General Assembly in Vienna in 2011, Roberto Ruffino became the Honorary Chair of EFIL.

During EFIL’s General Assembly, a new Election Committee was appointed. Outgoing members, Sabine Siegrist (AFS Switserland), Jan Van Keirsbilck (AFS Belgium Flanders) and Ivana Gazikalovic-Pavlovic (AFS Serbia) were thanked for a job well done over the past years. The new Election Committee members are Jona Fanney Fridriksdottir (AFS Iceland), Caroline Steyaert (Belgium Flanders) and Anni Siltanen (AFS Finland).
