At the General Assembly in Budapest, the report of EFIL’s activities in 2013-2014 was presented. The 28 pages colourful booklet “EFIL Biennial Report 2013-2014” can be downloaded from the EFIL website ( The document presents an overview of EFIL’s governance meetings, advocacy activities, successes in new partner development, projects and programmes (Volunteer Summer Summit, Intercultural Dialogue Day, European Citizenship Trimester Programme, Forum on Intercultural Learning and Exchange), training events, publications, and human resources of the past two years.

Just a reminder: in 2011, on the occasion of EFIL’s 40th anniversary, a booklet was published, walking you through 40 years of history, from the early beginnings and informal meetings in the 1960s, over the 1970s when AFS Europa became EFIL and intercultural learning was put on the table, the widening focus and expanded tasks of the Federation in the 1980s, a decade of challenges in the 1990s, to today’s EFIL with a strong membership and stable secretariat and board, enjoying increased visibility and credibility. The 16-page booklet “40 years of EFIL – 1971-2011” can also be downloaded from our website.

For those interested in printed copies of the “Biennial Report 2013-2014”, orders can be placed with the EFIL secretariat, at 4,- Euro per copy (plus postage). Please note that stocks are limited.

Biennial Report 2013-2014 cover