The Intercultural Dialogue Day, a grassroots celebration of diversity which happens every year in local AFS chapters, took place this year on 25 September, with a new impetus.

As mentioned in several previous EFIL communications, in 2014 we enjoyed two special circumstances: the thematic focus on Diversity Education and the special volunteer project team which worked throughout the year to produce PR materials and promote the event further. Both these were stimulated by the project funding received from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.

It is very exciting to officially announce that the video summarising the IDD 2014 outcomes is now finalised and available on YouTube:

We also produced it in the DVD format, distributed to the national AFS organisations. We encourage you all to use this cool 13-minute video material in your events, both for the internal volunteer audiences and for the outside, to promote IDD!

Then the IDD video and photo contest has been concluded on Facebook and we are happy to announce the winners!

The IDD photo contest:
3. Place for AFS chapters AFS Roma Est, AFS Roma Ovest, AFS Roma Sud and AFS Castelli Romani, Italy!

2. Place for AFS chapter AFS Dobrovolnická skupina Brněnsko, Czech Republic!
1. Place for AFS chapter Izhevsk, Russia!

The IDD video contest (very Italian this year):
3. Place for AFS chapter Trento, Italy!
2. Place for AFS Chapters AFS Roma Est, AFS Roma Ovest, AFS Roma Sud and AFS Castelli Romani, Italy!
1. Place for AFS chapter Nuoro, Italy!

Please have a look at the IDD Fecebook page to see all the winning photos and videos.
Congratulations to the top three in each contest – your ideas will be made into IDD Tool Kits to be promoted on the EFIL web page. The first place winners from Izhevsk and Nuoro are awarded one free registration each to the EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit 2015 in Germany.

And finally here’s one more big thank you to all the volunteers who worked hard for the Intercultural Dialogue Day’s success. This counts for all the local AFS volunteers but in particular for the international project team: Ingvild Grini from AFS Norway, Stasa Stojkov from AFS Serbia, Milan Bolland from AFS Germany, supported in addition by: Barbora Reichmanova from AFS Czech Republic, Anastasia Arsentyeva from AFS Russia and Izabela Jurczik-Arnold from EFIL.

All these exciting outcomes of IDD 2014 give a good promise for the next edition in 2015 – yes, it is happening again, this time on 24 September, so you can start getting ready!


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