
The EFIL 2016 Programme Directors meeting will take place in Cork, Ireland, from Monday 7 March (arrivals) to Friday 11 March(departures).   Cork is the home base of EIL, the AFS partner organisation in Ireland.  AFS International has started a partnership with EIL and is currently running pilot programmes with EIL. For more information about the cooperation with EIL, please contact Eduardo Assed at AFS International (  Staff and volunteers of EIL take actively part in EFIL activities throughout the year (including ECTP).

We are in the process of putting together an interesting programme for the meeting in March.  Based on last year’s evaluation, there is a great demand for a training session in Support and Risk Management. I’m happy to confirm that David Blythe of AFS International will be joining us in Cork.
Kevin Hickey, Director of EIL, has kindly offered to put together a day programme for all participants to get to know EIL better : the group will visit the EIL office and meet the staff, we will visit some schools and will have the opportunity to talk to some of the AFS students, and we will meet key volunteers and host families.
The programme will further include the always popular Partner-to-Partner meetings, and our “Open Space with a Difference” – for which the participants themselves can suggest topics.
Note that non-European AFS Partner Organisations are very welcome to participate in the meeting too.
Group picture EFIL Programme Directors meeting 2015 in Cairo, Egypt:
4. Pyramids 12