VASH group picture

From 29 October to 2 November 2015 the EFIL training on changemaking took place in Antwerp, Belgium. The training was conducted by Vipin Thek from Ashoka Youth Venture, based in Washington D.C., USA. There were 20 people from 12 different organisations taking part in the training and everyone was curious about the external training.

The focus was on changemaking on a personal level in order to explore the possibilities: Why do we become changemakers, what motivates us? What are we passionate about? And how can we actually become changemakers?

A lot of these questions were approached in a practical way ensuring that participants were able to experience the process and finding their own passion for changemaking before linking it to AFS and discussing how to implement it “back home” in the AFS context. It was interesting to work with new and old methods, a lot of discussions took place and new perspectives were being explored.

In the end, the training was an interesting mix of personal experiences, getting pushed out of the comfort zone and the starting of new projects. EFIL is happy to hear that some of them are already being implemented. A report has been conducted and has been shared with all partners that were involved in the training. A big thanks goes to Vipin for running the training!