The EFIL Organisational Devleopment Coordinators (ODC) meeting took place from 6-10 February 2017 in Bled, Slovenia. The meeting takes place biannually and this year brought together 17 participants from 16 EFIL partners and a preparatory team of 5 including AFS International, EFIL, as well as an ODC and a volunteer. Especially the discussions and the learning from peer ODCs were appreciated by the group.

small group ODC meeting2
small group ODC meeting

The agenda focused on organisational development and included sessions for experienced and new ODCs. Recurring contents such as best practice sharing, organisational structures, introduction to European and international AFS structures or connection between Intercultural Learning and OD work were addressed, as well as change management, chapter development and using existing IT tools such as World Café (an internal on-line AFS communication platform) for volunteer development.

The programme was rounded off by a lovely visit to the castle and a walk around lake Bled, organised by local volunteers from Slovenia. Afterwards, participants were invited to an amazing dinner out. Thank you for being great hosts – AFS Slovenia! A big thank you also goes to the team members of the preparatory team: Emilija Gagrčin – AFS Serbia/Germany, Gabor Csikos – AFS Hungary, Elis Motta and Lucas Welters – AFS International and assisted by Inga Menke – EFIL.

group picture ODC meeting

Thank you all for contributing to this great meeting and see you again in two years!

ODC meeting flipchart