On Wednesday 1 October, EFIL was happy to welcome an international crowd from Brussels and beyond at the 2nd edition of its INTERCULTURAL  DIALOGUE  DAY  QUIZ, for a social evening of fun and entertainment.









Were present: teams from the European Commission, NATO, OBESSU, AEGEE-Europe, WAGGGS (Girls Guides and Scouts), and also staff, Board members and volunteers of AFS Belgium Flanders and Belgium French, and many others from the international community in and around Brussels.






Congratulations to the winners – the team “The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Smart” made of Flemish volunteers and VSS participants – and to all of the competing quiz teams who tortured their brains during seven rounds of questions and puzzles… Now we all know that Prince William carries the title of “Duke of Cambridge”, that there are “50 ways to leave your lover”, that a golf course counts 18 holes, that Obama’s middle name is “Hussein”, that Johan Strauss composed the Radetzki March, and that Westvleteren-12 is the number one beer in the world…  :-)))

The proceeds of the evening will go towards the sponsoring of volunteers of Romania and Bulgaria (soon-to-be new partner countries in the EFIL network) for their participation in next year’s EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit, which will take place in Berlin, Germany, in August.







EFIL intends to repeat the IDD QUIZ event again next year.