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From 14 to 17 May, more than 70 delegates representing all of EFIL’s 28 Member Organisations will gather in Budapest, Hungary, for the Federation’s biennial General Assembly, kindly hosted by our Hungarian Member Organisation. The venue will be the Zara Continental Hotel situated in the very heart of the city. Among the guests, we’ll count Christian Werle, newly elected Chair of the AFS Board of Trustees, and Vincenzo Morlini, CEO and President of AFS International.

The General Assembly will officially open on Thursday 14 May with a roof reception to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our host AFS Hungary, followed by the official GA welcome dinner. At the General Assembly, participants will be invited to look at EFIL’s past, present and future, in plenary as well as in discussion group sessions. The EFIL Biennial Report 2013-2014 will be ready for distribution at the General Assembly. Board elections will be held as part of the statutory session on Saturday afternoon. The two-day meeting will end on Saturday night with a closing dinner cruise on the River Danube. The newly elected EFIL Board will hold its first meeting on Sunday.

The annual meetings of the TICLAB (EFIL’s Training and Intercultural Learning Advisory Body) and the core group of EPOR (EFIL’s European Pool of Representatives) will also take place in Budapest, parallel to the General Assembly, with one overlapping session. This way, EFIL’s membership will have the opportunity to learn about EFIL’s main support bodies, their goals and their activities.

EFIL and AFS Hungary are looking forward to welcome the delegates of its Member Organisations and guests to the events in Belgrade in May.