On 30 April, the EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit will close the online 

The 2015 VSS logo
registration with around 240 registrants!  With some expected late registrations (if that is you, please contact marin.bjort.valtysdottir@afs.org) and the usual amount of dropouts, we estimate that a total of 200 volunteers will be going to Germany in August. The preparations are progressing smoothly: in May, the programme will be finalised and the Support Team will have an in-person meeting at the venue to discuss possibilities for leisure activities and arrange the necessary practicalities. The Trainers’ Team is working hard on finishing workshop descriptions, so that participants can begin choosing workshops from 1 June onwards, once their payment has been received. To add to the diversity, we are happy that both local and an international external trainers will likely join the Trainers Team.
All in all, we are confident in saying that this year’s VSS is steadily developing into an amazing summer event! If you want more information, check the website and read the second Herald about the team!

This event takes place with the financial support of the Coucil of Europe.

For more information: marin.bjort.valtysdottir@afs.org