On 31 January the staff of EFIL, AFS Belgium Flanders, AFS Belgium Wallonia and, as special guests, AFS Netherlands, met to celebrate the start of the New Year together. This annual tradition – born out of the desire to strengthen the bond among neighbouring organisations – is now in its 9th edition. Each organisation hosts on a rotating basis and this year it was EFIL’s turn to welcome the other offices in Brussels, show them around and organise a lovely lunch. We began the meeting next to the European Parliament and, after a glance at the difference between the staff of our offices in terms of working experience, volunteering experience, living abroad, etc. we went on a scavenger hunt around the European Quarters to learn both about the link between EFIL and the European institutions and about each other. We concluded the day with a fantastic Senegalese meal, more chats and the sense that, as ever, we will work well side by side in the upcoming year. We are already looking forward to next year’s lunch!


NY Lunch TS 2