14-16 December

European Badges Alliance kick-off meeting, Forli, Italy

14-22 December

Japan –Europe MIRAI programme

24-31 January 2016

ICL seminar « Working with identities in promoting peace & intercultural learning, Piekary, Poland

26-28 February 2016

EFIL Board meeting, Moscow, Russia

1-6 March 2016

Seminar on SEE cooperation, Bosnia&Herzegovina

March 2016

TICLAB meeting, tbd

7-11 March 2016

EFIL Programme Directors’ meeting, Cork, Ireland

March to June 2016

On-line advocacy course

April 2016

EPOR core group meeting, tbd

5-11 April 2016

Seminar “Islam in Europe between assimilation and rejection”, Dilbeek, Belgium

20-21 May 2016

European Youth Event, Strasbourg, France

10-12 June 2016

EFIL Board meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland

14-17 June 2016

EFIL Head of Office meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

15 June 2016

EFIL Extra-ordinary General Assembly, Lisbon, Portugal

July/August 2016

Study session on AFS and refugees, Strasbourg, France or Budapest, Hungary (only if funded)

30 July – 4 August 2016

EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit, Venice, Italy

Late August 2016

Leadership and Governance seminar, Bulgaria, tbd

September 2016

Volunteer Training linked to Partner Development, Mollina, Spain

29 September 2016

Intercultural Dialogue Day

EFIL’s Intercultural Dialogue Day QUIZ, Brussels, Belgium

October 2016

EFIL’s Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Training for trainers, Czech Republic, tbc

November 2016

Support staff meeting, Turkey, tbd

27 November – 1 December 2016

ECTP European Citizenship Trimester Programme, Brussels, Belgium



Editor: Paul Claes                 Layout: Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro

Contributions by: Paul Claes, Izabela Jurczik-Arnold, Elisa Briga, Inga Menke, Frini Ezunkpe, Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro , Marín Björt Valtýdóttir, Alexandra Singpiel, Hannes Verdegem, Emilija Gagrčin, Milena Miladinović, Viktoria Bedo


Pictures by: EFIL, AFS Czech Republic, AFS Turkey, AFS Bosnia&Herzegovina, AFS Hungary, Intercultura Italy, AFS Germany

We welcome your contributions! If you would like to subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) this newsletter, please contact the EFIL Secretariat at frini.ezunkpe@afs.org

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To receive further information about EFIL, please check our website www.efil.afs.org